Many users asked to call friends, outdoor steel corrosion coatings, paints with what is best, there are required to maintain for decades, there are more than ten years, as well as requirements for low-cost, today several cases respectively, to we explain how to choose an outdoor anti-corrosion coatings, anti-corrosion coatings and supporting the program.
Based on their years of experience in the construction of steel corrosion paint, depending on the circumstances supporting the recommended three options:
The first: the requirements for corrosion in between 10-20 years
Primer: Epoxy zinc-rich primer, paint by Lunan brand packaging is (25 kg +2.5 kg paint hardener) 10: a spreading rate is: 2-3 sq / kg, again.
In the paint: epoxy micaceous iron rust, paint package is 22 kg +3 kg curing agent, the coating rate: 2-3 sq / kg, again.
Finish: chlorinated rubber paint, packaging is 20 kg / barrel, coating rate: 4-5 sq / kg, again.
Such supporting low cost, corrosion better.
The second: for corrosion requirements in 20 years
Primer: Epoxy zinc-rich primer, paint by Lunan brand packaging is (25 kg +2.5 kg paint hardener) 10: a spreading rate is: 2-3 sq / kg, again
In the paint: epoxy micaceous iron rust, paint package is 22 kg +3 kg curing agent, the coating rate: 2-3 sq / kg, again.
Finish: aliphatic polyurethane topcoat paint package is 18 kg +2.2 kg hardener coating rate: 4-5 sq / kg, again.
Such supporting moderate cost, corrosion works well.
The Third: suitable corrosion requirements in more than 20 years
Primer: Epoxy zinc-rich primer, paint by Lunan brand packaging is (25 kg +2.5 kg paint hardener) 10: a spreading rate is: 2-3 sq / kg, again
In the paint: epoxy micaceous iron rust, paint package is 22 kg +3 kg curing agent, the coating rate: 2-3 sq / kg, again.
Finish: fluorocarbon finish, packaging is 20 kg +4 kg paint hardener is spreading rate: 4-5 sq / kg, again.
The third supporting higher cost, corrosion best. We recommend that you request preservative effect if relatively high, then you should use this program.