Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Steel Structure Workshop Building environmental

Belongs to the Steel Structure Workshop Building environmental protection product.

With development of the factory building, office building, residential and the Steel Structure Workshop Building of garage, Floor Deck is widely used. Floor Deck is a new kind of building materials to the brick structure, reinforced concrete structure of the template.

Floor Deck relative to the template,
1. Light weight, bear strength is bigger, but also in the earthquake fire performance is better;
2. Simple and convenient construction, directly on top of steel beam with fixed stud can, and can do construction platform, two to four people can pave a day, 500-700 square meters, and ordinary template installation trouble, slow speed, high risk, 2-4 people can pave a day, 200-400 square meters;
3. Can be used as a structural strength support as a permanent use, will remove and ordinary template;
4. Convenient shop steel, pipe installation, line way;
5. You can save the cost of raw materials, can save steel, Floor Deck of concave and convex place can save at least a third of the concrete;
6. In the perspective of environmental protection, Floor Deck without pollution, belongs to the Steel Structure Workshop Building environmental protection product.

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